Generel information om UCN Sommer CUP
Sportsdagen afvikles fra kl. 8.30 - ca 15.00 på området bag Campus Hobrovej (se kort).
Det er vigtigt, at man er omklædt og klar fra kl. 08:30

- Fodboldhold består af mindst 6 spillere
- Beachvolleyhold består af mindst 4 spillere
- Vikingspilhold består af mindst 4 spillere
Tilmelding til Dart og Skak er også nødvendigt. Dog tilmelder du her som individuel spiller/deltager
Ved tilmelding til mere end en aktivitet skal der også oprettes en ny bruger med en anden mail adresse end den første aktivitet!
Der vil naturligvis være mulighed for at købe øl, vand og mad.
Husk også at tilmelde dig festen om aftenen. Der vil være god mad, masser af musik og stor bar! Alt sammen til yderst attraktive priser!
Der findes 2 typer af online Presale billetter – med og uden mad. Madbillet købes via Med Mad til 130 kr. med start fra kl. 18:00 - Uden Mad til 50 kr. med entre mellem kl. 20:00 – 21:30. Deadline, senest onsdag den 6. september.
Husk at medbringe printet eller fremvise online billet.
Købes billetten i døren fra kl. 20:00 – 21:30 er prisen 50 kr. Alle skal medbringe UCN studiekort eller oplyse sit UCN studienummer.
!! Husk at bestille i god tid da der kun er 850 billetter !!
For yderligere spørgsmål i forbindelse med sportsdagen er du altid velkommen til at kontakte Lars Olsen på eller 7269 1395.
General information regarding UCN Summer CUP
The event takes place Friday 8th of September from 08.30 to 15.00 on the fields behind Campus Hobrovej (see map).
It is important that you are present and have changed clothes for the events no later than 08.30
This year it will be the possible to participate in either Football/Soccer, Volleyball, Viking game/Kubb, Dart or Chess
Information for team sports/Team configuration
- Soccer/Football teams consists of at least 6 players
- Beachvolley teams consists of at least 4 players
- Vikings game teams consists of at least 4 players
Signup for Dart or Chess is also required. However, here you must sign up as individual participants.
When signing up for a second activity you need to create a new user with a different email address than the first one!
During the event it will be possible to buy beer, soft drinks, water and food.
Also remember to sign up for the party in the evening. There will be lots of good food, music and a well assorted bar! All this at very attractive prices!
There are 2 types of online Presale tickets - with and without food. Tickets with food can be purchased via With Food for DKK 130 starting at 18:00 - Without Food for DKK 50 with entrance from 20:00 - 21:30. Deadline, no later than Wedensday, September 6th.
Remember to bring a printed or present an online ticket.
Buying ticket at the door between 20:00 – 21:30 is DKK 50. Everyone must bring UCN student card or give their UCN student number.
!! Please order tickets as soon as possible as there are only 850 available !!
For further questions regarding the event you are more than welcome to contact Lars Olsen or +45 7269 1395.